Adding a Herron VTSP 3A/360 Preamplifier to the system.

The new (new to me) Herron Audio VTSP 3A/360 Preamp will arrive Friday the fifth. Very much looking forward to it's arrival.

Beautifully built, and should sound that way as well.

Ag insider logo xs@2xislandmandan
@vinylvalet - when I ordered mine from Keith, he asked me whether I wanted a faceplate that said 'Reference' or one that said '360' (preamp identical, just different text on the faceplate); I went with '360' - it still says 'Reference' when it boots up.... But he may be out of the '360' ones by now.... 

Well, Gentlemen, the VTSP 3A/360 arrived on Saturday. It took me all weekend for my 74 YOA stroke-affected body/mind to get it installed (and the twice as heavy Modwright packaged up and put away), but on Monday night I got to listen to it.

I was pretty much slack-jawed at how the music sounded. It was good before, but now it's soooo much better.

Everything sounds better, but well recorded piano really blew me away. And, I haven't got to vinyl yet, trying to rebuild the arm-raise mechanism for the old Dynavector 501 arm. Today's the day.

Only critiscism is the p-ss-poor remote control system that came in it. It's a learning process so far, but I think I'll be able to live with it

Other than the above-mentioned remote problem, it has delivered as promised.

Thanks for your interest, regards,


Congrats.  I have Keith's VTPH-2A phono pre, and it greatly improved my vinyl playback system.  I would probably have gone for the VTSP Reference if it had balanced ins/outs.  

Good to hear Dan and thanks for posting.

I bought a VTSP-3A Rev 03 from another Audiogon member, should be here in a couple of days. I hope I get a taste of what you got with the 360, can't wait to hear it.

Dan, nice to hear that you are enjoying the VTSP-360.  I love mine!  You are right about the remote.  I put it back in the box right away.  It's so small that I was afraid I'd lose it in my sofa or accidentally break it.  I told Keith I was planning to use my universal remote (Harmony 550) and he said it might not work because of the way the codes are set up.  I got it to work, but not perfectly.  Every other press of a button does something.  A minor frustration though and doesn't take away from my listening enjoyment.