@noromance Don’t be hasty about writing off Jupiter capacitors. I did a fair amount of capacitor rolling and still am most impressed with the Jupiter copper foil and wax.
If you have the physical space, I would not hesitate to use Jupiters.
@noromance Don’t be hasty about writing off Jupiter capacitors. I did a fair amount of capacitor rolling and still am most impressed with the Jupiter copper foil and wax.
If you have the physical space, I would not hesitate to use Jupiters.
@sbank Spencer - my appreciation as well on your thoughtful posts and very +++ contributions over the many years- may we be graced with many more... |
@slaw Steve - playing catch-up and saw your preliminary thoughts on Breakfast in America, I played it once up North but also want to see what the Lyra does w it here... I also have the new MoFi |