Adding a “safe haven” forum for discussion of tweaks?
We already have one Its called "the insider" And for $100 yr you can have such a safe space. Being a moderator is often a volunteer thing. It was expected that grown ups had the natural ability to allow others freedom of expression.They didn’t generally feel it necessary to argue with someone who they disagreed . This was especially true of someone’s preference of a sound, or what color they liked best or what food they preferred the taste of. People used to understand that NO ONE knows it all & that included themselves. People in the past had the ability to live & let agree to disagree precisely because they knew that no person has all knowledge. They were gracious, allowing someone to express themselves, even if they disagreed. They understood that science had many answers to the problems we face but science does not have all the the answers. They understood that man is a wonderfully knit together yet who’s senses are is still a mystery.
IOW, good manners. That’s all it takes. It worked for years.