Streaming 101

I know nothing about streaming and would like some feedback. All I have is a laptop running windows. Is there a one box way to do everything? I have an older SACD player and don't think I can access its DAC.( Esoteric X-01 D2) The rest of my setup is pretty evolved so I would like something commensurate without breaking the bank. Internet radio is something I would really like to be able to access. Excuse my ignorance, most of the music reviews I read about these days seem to be unavailable to me via my turntable or CD player. Thanks.

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There are so many solutions it is crazy. It will depend on the price range and your long term objectives. If you want ultimately to get to audiophile quality, most folks will get a streamer and a separate DAC. But you can get very high quality boxes that do both... look at Aurender. They have outstanding units at all price points.


If you are looking to keep improving your system, you could use your PC as. Streamer for a while... but be aware they are not good sources compared to high quality streamers. Bluesound makes a budget streamers, some with DACs. 

What are your long term plans and budget?

Thanks, I'm looking at an end game setup. Haven't thought about a budget, probably 5k. It will be my third option as I have 4.5k records and many cds.