$39K for the Linn Klimax DAC/streamer?

It has to be set up using a special service and there is no manual? I guess this for the very wealthy few who do not care about "gear." I would rather buy a car with this money, or part of a Porsche, and set up my own DAC/streamer. But Stephen Scarf at Absolute Sound says.."unquestionably the best combination DAC/streamer I've ever heard, bar none." Great hyperbole, may hold true for a month or two, then some other over-priced bit of kit comes along..
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Linn have been following the same marketing strategy since the early 1970s.


It's just now they're targeting the so-called 'ascendant class' that the socialist (Ha!) Joe Biden seems to be assisting.


Clever strategical move on Linn's part, not so clever on crazy Joe's.

Pretty soon he won't have any supporters left, not even fictional ones.


Let's go Brandon!

$39k for a server/DAC IS an OUTRAGEOUS amount (because it exceeds the $30k I paid for mine).  People are always spending either too little and buying junk (i.e., less than I spent) or are spending way too much and bringing ruin to the world (i.e., spending more than I did).  What's wrong with y'all.

Good grief, can't an audiophile board about DACs be a safe haven from our dysfunctional political name-calling (on both sides.)

clearthinker wrote:

"Linn is mid-fi in today's marketplace"


This is simply not true of the Linn Klimax preamp or I suspect (haven't heard it yet) this DAC/Streamer.   

The NAIM ND555/555PS (the 555PS is an external power supply) is considered a superb streamer, in fact, Hi-Fi+ awarded it 'the best streamer on the market currently.' It's $15K cheaper than the Linn ($24K). Still not cheap by any means..

I have also read a very glorifying review about the Linn.

Both are out of reach for me..

One great alternative for a great streamer is the moon SimAudio 360D ($9K).