Class A amplifier alternative?

Hi everyone, 

I am looking for an amp with about 200-300 watt/8ohm/channel for my speakers. People say that Class A is the best to have. However, with this power, Class A amp would be super heavy (for me) The amp at this power is usually 100 lbs or higher. I wonder if there is any other solution here that doesn't compromise the sound quality? My budget is $3000 (used items). 


Just FYI, I once tried class D but the sound is very clinical, thin and sterile in my system. 


Thank you!




Ag insider logo xs@2xquanghuy147

Depending on the efficiency of your speakers, that much power is a waste of electricity. Especially in class A which runs at full power regardless of volume level. (Hence the extreme heat) A 90 Db efficient speaker will play at shouting levels with a 1 watt input from 1 meter! To fill a LARGE room, 40 watts would do it.

I understand  that we want what we want. I'm currently running a Rogue Audio Dragon amp (300/500 watts) My Tekton DI's are using a fraction of the power with no sterile or thin sound at all. Matching your components is key. It can be frustrating, and expensive!

I hope this helps and that you find the sound that you're looking for!

Class a/ab 

run from,D.


,,look for a used McCormack, sanders, Sunfire 300 (class h) will destroy a class d amp. 
 Odyssey with all upgrades in khartago cases will be close to your budget. 

  Check the gon for a good amp.

be weary of fleabay, unless 100% feedback, lots morons on fleabay. 

usaudio,art, Agon, lots used audio dealers, call them, i would drive 2 hours for a good amp. Plus the amp will not endure shipping rattle, dropped by the brainless eejits. 

if I had the coin, I would try the carver Raven 350s'

I, too, needed a 300 Watt into 8 Ohm amp to drive my B&W 702 S2 speakers in a very large room. I was unwilling to buy a 100 pound, heat-radiating monster. I bought a used pair of Bel Canto REF600M amplifiers ($3000) and a used Rogue RP-7 hybrid pre-amp ($3500). I am delighted with the setup. There is nothing thin, cold, or clinical about the sound. It’s warm, precise, and has an incredible soundstage. I auditioned it with a Bel Canto preamp, which I did not like nearly as much. The hybrid Rogue pre-amp with the class D monoblocks is a great combination.



+1 on the Voyager GaN amp.


My previous class D was a EVS1200 which Ric Schultz builds them based on dual IcePower AS1200 modules. One of the reasons was I wanted a lot more power than I had with PS Audio M700s. I raved about the EVS 1200 for almost 2 years, but wanted to hear whether the GaN hype was real, so I ordered a LSA Voyager 350. Well, not only does it blow away the EVS 1200 in every imagineable way that audiophiles hold near and dear, it is considerably more powerful