Show Us Your Listening Room Art

Let's share art providing musical inspiration in our listening spaces... 

Spencer's Wall of Genius

80s Magazine Cover print 

Tour poster

Very Special House Concert Print

Poster gifted & signed by local audio club members 

Autographed tour poster




Yeah, hopefully they can add an "upload" button like on system pages. That would be much easier than me uploading to IMGUR and copying links from there. Resizing is very frustrating. 

@sbank yeah, it's cumbersome for sure... at least Agon is making a peek out of 

the dark ages!

@nonoise Very cool. I used to live a town over from Chadds Ford, PA, where the Wyeth family lived and painted most of those local scenes. There's a fantastic breakfast joint called Hank's Place where they are rumored to hang out. Try any dish including the local mushrooms! Cheers,


Post removed 

Hmm not having a lot of luck trying to copy my photos into posts.  Oh well.