Gamut Lobster Chair

I have found posts on this forum relating to the Stressless and Eames lounge chair as good listening chairs, but not so much on the Gamut Lobster Chair. Has anyone here tried the Gamut Lobster Chair or better still own one? If so, would appreciate your sharing your thoughts / experience with regard to the Gamut Lobster Chair. Many thanks.

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We have (chairs that ) rock & roll Dining room chairs that are pretty comfortable. I put one in the sweet spot (in front of reclinder) Works Great and makes for a better drum chair @wsrrsw because your feet are in the proper position for the bass drums and high hat (-: 😀

If I want to relax, i sit in the recliner (Lazy Boy) and listen.

Ha! I mean with my hands on the end of the arms. I just took the bait. Well done. Hard to think while listening to Spike Jones. 23 Skidoo. 

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