Magico A5 or Sonus faber SERAFINO TRADITION or Harbeth 40.3 XD

Looking at upgrading my speakers and I have no in home demo options.

I am looking at spending up to 25K.

Magico, Sonus faber, Harbeth are in the running.

I listen to  beatles, Dead, CSNY, Eagles.

I have a Mcintosh MC462, MC22 and a just ordered Berkeley Alpha Dac 3.  

I was leaning toward the Harbeth or SF but just read a great review on the MAgico A5.

Still working on buying a streamer to feed the system.

Looking for some thoughts.


Ag insider logo xs@2xefoo

Damn dude, you are going to be hard pressed to get much better than the F228Be without spending a whole more.  Maybe $25k isn't enough.

Good luck! Hope the music never stops!

@mglik I've heard the Cremonese and they are probably the best speaker I've heard. Preferred them over the Magico.  Wish I could afford them.  



Thanks for all the suggestions I will listen to my 3 and anything else they have at the stero shop I am going to. They have mcintosh as well so I should be able to get a setup close to mine.

That’s surely useful. As some have suggested, please update this thread once you managed to listen to all 3 speakers at the shop with the McIntosh as I'm equally interested to know the outcome.

Will do ..... Has anyone tried the Mcintosh MEN220 (room perfect) DSP?

It runs about 5K and may be a first step to see what it would do to my 228BEs