Tube Line Stage around $5k

Thinking of replacing my Conrad Johnson Classic 2 SE.    Its a great sounding preamp but I've had it since '13 and am looking for something with remote.   Dual pre-outs a must .   Volume only remote is fine but volume and source would be ideal.  Thanks.


Like the VTPH-2a, the Herron Reference 360 is destined to become a legacy component, one that will provide years of trouble-free, unimpeachable performance. A little above your price point but very much worth the stretch, it will hold its monetary value and remain at the edge of the performance envelope for a long time to come. Of course, all IMHO and from a Herron fanboy.

McIntosh C2600. I purchased mine for $4500 as a store display model. Not sure it was ever actually plugged in. Very reliable. FWIW

Rogue RP7 if restricted to US made would be a good choice. You should probably also look at the PS Audio BHK as it is a pretty good unit.  

As an aside, the C22 is wonderful and has one of the best sounding internal phonos stages I have ever heard.  

I also like AVM and KR but they are made in Germany and Czech Republic respectively.