Do you listen to Scriabin?
Seeing sounds and music.....
When i go to a live concert the last thing i look for is a precise location of the instrument in the sound space.. BUT When i listen a recorded album this location in 3-D sound space comes like something very important ... I dont want my music to be sounds confined between speakers...
When i go to a lived concert i generally closed my eyes to be no more distracted by people or each instruments positions and gesture and i FOCUS my attention to the playing notes instrument TIMBRE microdynamic BODY, i look for the LUMINOSITY and colors of the timbre and also for his TEXTURE, his delicacy or roughness and all in between the relief of the surface, and very important i look also for the evanescent flowing GEOMETRIES of the timbre formations spread out in space... When i listen to a recorded album if the location in space sound is already rightfully relatively there because the audio system is good , i then iimediately FOCUS my attention no more on the relatively precise spot of each instrument but i focus on the playing notes TIMBRE microdynamical BODY of one or more interacting instruments....
Then in playback listening yes, PURE LOCATION in space of the instruments is important, but way less than the TIMBRE inner life.... This polary between point-like location of instruments and the surfaces flowing of TIMBRE in 3-D space sound is for me music and sound seeing...
With my mechanical equalizer i lived through an experience with the best location i ever have and the best timbre perception qualities...But my acoustic system so good it is cannot do what the Bacch processor can do .... But for sure the best would be a processor that will at the source be also a speakers and room corrector and a crosstalk control, and also a processor adapted to our precise hearing, it seems the Bacch processor of Edgar Choueiri is this one ... It is a pity i will be dead before listening to one...I would have been delighted to see how my timbre perception would have been increased and in what way...
The more important information in sound is "TIMBRE" not location first, because timbre contains information about location anyway and the reverse is not true, ask to a blind person... «Space come from sound not only in the Bible or in Indian metaphysics but in music for sure»-Anonymus Smith |
Yes and people dont recognized generally their own synesthesia... All of our senses intersect at their roots and separate at some level but encounter each other anew at the level of the canopy... LIstening music and seeing music make ourselves very conscious of that.... Anyway any word is a dead metaphor coming into being from an old crystallized synesthesia... Music is at the origin of language, music as body language gesture and a motivated meaning in ONE, and not only as a separate sound related externally by scripture code to a "separated" meaning , then even before "language" separately exist in the actual written sense of the word, "language" was a synchronized action......A collective music even without sounds ...
Scriabin wanted to save humanity through a ceremony where we may all ground ourself anew in our body and in the cosmos alike in only one creative gesture orchestrated by him ...It was a truly great artist, a Christlike figure and a Faustian magus at the same time...A cross between Christ and Simon the magus... In Russia no pianist is ever worth the name if he cannot play Scirabin in this right miraculously redemptive way...Like in Poland Chopin or in Hungary Liszt....Bach for the German and Mozart or Beethoven ... |