Tube Line Stage around $5k

Thinking of replacing my Conrad Johnson Classic 2 SE.    Its a great sounding preamp but I've had it since '13 and am looking for something with remote.   Dual pre-outs a must .   Volume only remote is fine but volume and source would be ideal.  Thanks.


Sure, all great gear. I’m a blue collar guy with white collar tastes. Only with audio... and Im not snobby.... good gear is good gear ...other than that I’m pretty low maintenance.... hear that single female audio lovers in the Boston area ????

Congratulations. Zesty gets good reviews. One of my friends has a Zesto Phono-stage.

It will soon be paired with a Toolshed Amps 300b amp.   Its being built right now. That should be an awesome combo.

my fishing buddy and flyrod builder has a Toolshed amp for the Cornwall i modified for him, freaking cool - You are in a good place :-) Enjoy
