Best light weight full range speaker recommendation.

I love to experiment with sound and so far has been mostly constrained to book shelves, (Persona B, Formation Duo) or low sitting speakers (Heresy IV) all of which require separate subs (maybe not the formation). Now for full range speakers, it seems like the new Beolab 28 is really the most lightweight one out there. Kinda wonder what other options are there, or rather do any of you mount speakers on wheels?


In general, I have found the better the speakers the more they weigh. If you are buying speakers in that category, I would expect the dealer to come over and set them up, and tune them.


If you need to move them... yes furniture sliders make easy work of hundreds of pounds.


I now have Sonus Faber Amati Traditional... something like 150 pounds. It is easy to rotate on a single point to change toe in. Or walk a little ways.

I would not add low weight into the equation, it could easily be a big compromise in sound quality. At that price point there are lots of really good full range speaker systems available.

Talking about light weight full range it must be hemp cone from omega super alnico monitor! You only need 2w or better a set of monoblock 8w will make you happy ! Cheer !

Goldenear Triton Reference, 12hz-35khz, around $10k, 110 lbs. (class A in Sterophile)

Wilson SabrinaX, 31hz-23khz, around 20k, 112 lbs.

Focal Sopra 3, 33hz-40khz, around 20k, 154 lbs.

I still do not comprehend why you care about the weight at this price point.  (So you could move them around in your living room?)

You might try the ATC SCM40, I think they weigh about 60 pounds each (I have the SCM35's). They punch well above their weight in price. A3 Magicos are what I would do above these- they weigh 110 pounds.