Favorite CD player around $2k or less used

I'm getting itchy finger on Audiogon regarding cd player. I love my Cary 303/200 but am toying with going for something tubey for a while, just for fun (Cary 308T?). So I thought I'd raise this question, again just for fun: what's been your experience recently with cd players that sell used for under $2k? (I like HDCD but not a show-stopper; SACD big plus, perhaps not realistic.).
The Ayre CX-7E is my current reference and it is great. You'll have a lot of choices in this price range. Have fun!
naim cdx very musical, does most things correctly. stay away from combo players since there will always be a compromise especially at lower pricepoint.
Modwright 999es at $1600-1900 used without a doubt the best tube cd/sacd/dvd player on the planet. Right up there with the best of the best depending on personal preference.