Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


People make decisions. We assume those people weigh the risks of their decisions or their non-decisions. Sometimes calamity happens or is prevented. Hard to measure all the costs, both fiscal and physical, in advance. If someone took all precautions and calamity still befalls them, I can have empathy.

If people choose to take their chances and calamity befalls them, I have little empathy. We insure against clamity whether through the purchase of insurance or the existence of sufficient savings to weather the financial impacts of the storm. If you smoke and you contract a lung related disease, you made your choice. If you are obese and don’t take care of your body and Jerry Springer has to cut you out of your home with a chainsaw and extract you with a forklift, you made your choice.


If you examine objective Covid data and choose not to get vaccinated, you made your choice. If you choose to get vaccinated, you made your choice. If you weren’t prepared financially for the consequences of your decisions, you made your choice. A post Covid gofundme campaign won’t trigger generosity from those who weighed their options in advance. Kinda like building your home on a river bank, floods happen.

I am a ED physician and feel I have some expertise in this field.  

COVID vaccination deaths are very very rare.  0.0021% of people in the US died after recieving the COVID vaccine.  Reporting requirements stipulate deaths have to be reported even if there is no evidence the death was a result of the vaccine.  This reporting is true for all vaccines. And includes adverse reactions up to 7 days after vaccination.  Likely the J/J has cause the death of 5 women due to blood clots.  The other 9805 deaths were required to be reported even though it is unclear if the vaccine had anything to do with the deaths. 

The lack of high vaccination rates is what allows varients to take hold when the occur.  If vaccination rates were in the 90% range, we likely would not have had a delta varient outbreak.  

It is NOT experimental

Yes, you can get COVID after vaccination, but symptoms rarely require hospitalization (less than 1% of hospitalized COVID patients are vaccinated)

Science, my friends.  It took a while for Copernican heliocentrism to catch on.  The naysayers didnt end up changing the facts in the end.....

Vaccination is a personal medical issue and decision. Should be discussed with your physician not debated or discussed on the internet in a hifi forum in particular. 

dseltz, there you go again with the facts. You’re trying to relate to those who refuse to listen because it doesn’t square with the (supposed) reality they desire to live in.