Next upgrade?

Dear all,

In the pursue of the best possible sound - given a limited budget! - I am constantly thinking about the next upgrade (or mod) to my system. I’m sure I am not alone...

Right now I have the following :

- Monitor Audio Golden Reference 60 Speakers

- Primaluna Dialogue Premium Integrated Amp

- Cambridge Audio CXC CD Transport

- Border Patrol SE-i DAC

I like the system a lot, but I wonder what can I do next (excluding cables or power supply). What would be the place where I can get the most improvement from an (second hand) upgrade?

Thanks a lot for your suggestions!



Good question. I always upgrade in steps to a plateau, enjoy until I am ready to get started on the next level.

In general, your equipment looks to be pretty compatible and on the same level, so there are a couple ways to go.

My rule of thumb is always upgrade a minimum of 2x in cost... so once you start, you want to slowly upgrade until you have all compatible equipment at that level.

Since it sounds like are going to be looking for better sound over the long term... make each new component at that new level.


Step one: Flesh out this level. As mentioned above get a high quality power conditioner. While it is remotely possible you have great power, most likely not. Get a good one so you don’t have to rebuy for a decade.


Also, get a high quality streamer. You get nearly infinite music for the price of a CD per month with as good or better sound than red book CD. Think used Aurender or Auralic... not just a Bluesound.


Step 2: This would be to start moving the whole system up a level.

1. Speakers used are fine go 2x or better 3x original cost... this will put your system in a whole new category.


2. DAC ... be carefull. You have a very warm one. This might be a tricky transition, but worthy of making.


I would imagine this would take a couple years. Then upgrade cables and interconnects, power cords and tweak. Enjoy for a few years before the bug bites again.

Buy some nice headphones, you have a headphone jack. Having headphones can be like having a second system.

You get the bigest bang for your buck by upgrading speaker first then                   front end,amp 

What kind of stand or rack do you use? What are using for couplers or feet under your gear and speakers?

Hey, this is not the same as cables or power...

Seriously, I would invest here and raise the level of all your components.