Suggestions for high efficiency speakers?

I attended the Capital Audiofest and thought the Audio Note room had the best sound to my ears. Another attendee from Florida had a copy of "A Night in Tunisia" and it sounded like you were sitting in Art Blakey's chair with his drums right there in front of you. I want that palpability, that "you are there" sound I think low watt amps and high efficiency speakers deliver better than any other combination.


A couple years ago I heard the DeVore 96s at the same show and loved their sound, anyone know of other speakers that give the same sensations?


My system is a SOTA Sapphire w Sumiko MMT and Zu-modified Denon 103 into an Art Audio Vinyl One phono pre into a Lamm LL2 Deluxe pre into an Art Audio Jota SET power amp and into Joseph RM25 sigs.


@atmasphere --

It sounds to me as if you are not familiar with the Swarm sub made by Audiokinesis. ...

Oh, I am, I simply made an attempt into outlining the possibilities of the horn sub route, and that it needn’t break the bank.

A DBA setup can be a great subs approach, no doubt. Different ways to skin your cat, as they say, and you could go all-out and make a horn sub DBA. I’ve heard a few of those.

Personally I favor a pair of symmetrically placed horn subs or other large high order bandpass variant. I’ve been given numerous long speeches on the supposed prowess of DBA - and it has its merits, for sure - but the proof is in the eating of the pudding, as they say. Not to imply all should feel the same way about that I do - on the contrary, actually - but simply that all mayn’t cry ’halleluja’ over the sonic outcome of the DBA approach, even after being preconditioned by theory.

As Larryi suggests, there are so many great candidates. I haven't had chance to hear many, although I was invited to hear the Musical Affair Grand Crescendo with PHY driver. I could live with them, as I do like single driver design philosophy. Larryi say's to  listen to as many as you can. Yes!!

The Audio Note setup at Deja Vu is better than what was at the show.  Also, they have their own custom systems that are terrific sounding and they can show you what medium and low-powered tube amps can do with even not so efficient speakers like Harbeths and ProAcs, and Nolas.  Even very low efficiency speakers, such as the Falcon LS3/5A sound great there with modest output tube amps.


Volti Audio high efficiency speakers seems to be relatively transparent/neutral and have garnered very positive reviews:

Volti Rival 100dB $11.5k+

Careful auditioning is primary with matching amp and speakers.  I fell in love with the Fyne 702, powered by an esoteric f03 class a 30 wpc.  The esoteric was not in my budget to I tried the less costly a/b amps in the series, but the synergy was lost.  Bit the bullet and bought the demo, and ordered the 702.  Hooked the amp to my paradigms and it was awful.  The low powered amp could not drive the smallish bass units.  So the esoteric sat for 6 months while my speakers were having drinks in Glasgow waiting for a shipping container.  The paradigms and the Fynes have the same db and ohm specifications, yet totally different results. 
love the Fynes. Have never heard the high end klipsch models.  The lower end models are frequent sellers on the swap markets