Help, which preamp to buy from my shortlist?

Looking to buy a "near vintage" preamplifier. Between these, which of these do you recommend based on experience (sound quality and build quality)? Or which of these wouldn't you buy based on previous experience? I like all of these based on price, condition and compatibility (input & output impedance, etc.) but can't decide on one (or even two). My source is strictly line level (computer based with DAC).

Nakamichi CA5

Kenwood L-07 CII

Bryston 0.5

Forte F44

PS Audio 5.7

PS Audio 7.0

Meitner PA-6i

B&K MC-101

B&K Pro 10 MC

Quicksilver Remote Preamp (latest 6DJ8 version)

Cary AE-3 (standard, not signature model)

Audible Illusions Modulus L1

Sonic Frontiers SLF-1


Best bang-for-the-buck is vintage gear! I paid $350 for the Bryston .5 from a friend! Can't beat that - along with a Bryston 3B amp for $500!

I have the Quicksilver (non remote 12AT7 version) and like it. I haven't had anything else to compare it to save for a Schiit SYS (passive). Mike at Quicksilver rewired the tape (fixed) outs to make them variable to run subs for me. Its my first piece of tube gear so I really have no reference. I can say its clean and clear and does respond to tube rolling. If you want that "tubey and syruppy" sound you won't get that with this.

Not Vintage, Little known company in Upstate NY    Benchmark LA-4 pre amp. Totally Analog and Balanced, will need a DAC for Digital.  5 Yr warranty, and 30 day free Trial, GREAT Customer service.

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