Safe to use cheater plug on CD player??

I hope you guys don't mind me copying and pasting from Audioasylum, where I already has posted this. But it just was a lot to type over again. Here it goes.

"Well as some of you suggested, I tried finding a ground issue within my setup that was cauzing the dreaded hum. It is strange to note that this amp always has a slight buzz, even with no components or speakers hooked up through it. I used to use a Arcam CD72T that did not add any noise to my system when plugged in, or turned on. I remember trying to use a cheater plug on the cdp, and tried switching the cheater to the amp. No change in the buzz.

So 2 weeks ago I upgraded to the Primare D20, which I love! Well this player adds tons of noise when it is turned on out of standbye. So today I put a cheater on the player's power cable. And voila, no hum. hmm. I still have a very very slight buzz, but that was the way the amp always has been, and it can only be heard about 3 inches away from the speaker.

My question is this; Will using the cheater plug on the cd player's Cardas power cable degrade sound a lot? And is this a dangerous move? I mean, I thought using a cheater on the cd player is a lot better for sound and safety than using it on the amp. It seems that even if sound is degraded, getting rid of vey loud and constant hum would be a greater benefit."
I use a cheater plug on my entire A/V system because of hum when CATV is connected. However, my outlet is a GFI so I am safe from electrical hazard.
Check out Ebtech for their device which breaks ground loops without the safety issues.
RTilbury - electrical grounds are required on consumer electral goods as a safety measure. Should you have the cover off of your amplifier and accidentally spill a liquid into teh amp, reach in with a towel, the ground will protect you from getting electrocuted. Since this is a highly unlikely scenario, I would disconnect the ground off of the AC duplex outlet that your amp and cd player are connected to and enjoy the hum-free music. You can always re-connect later if you move or move the system. That way you don't make any permenant changes and just get to enjoy the quiet!
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