Have you ever been turned off by an Arrogant Dealer? Thoughts

I have and it's extremely disappointing 


One good thing about Washington State, ever since we legalized pot, no more need to find a dealer.

If you live near Milwaukee, WI - the stereo store "Audio Emporium" is a very nice middle to high end store. Dave Holmes is the owner. Extremely laid back store "vibe" with no pressure. Very friendly staff. Dave will likely be the one to assist you.

Can spend as much time as u wish without any pressure to buy.

I think bib overalls vs a tuxedo would be treated the same.

@dekay Bingo! It's my gimp mask. Or, perhaps it's my T shirt that says, "I have a first world problem and you're gonna solve it for me."

This thread highlights the importance of first impressions.  The very dealer that one person a few posts back speaks glowingly of was horrible on the phone and would be the last place I would spend my money.  My interaction was with the owner of the company, so I have to think they set the tone for the business.  Perhaps I should give them another chance, but there are too many good dealers here in the Northwest to take the chance of subjecting myself to that again.