Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


Scenerio: Parent walking by small child's room hearing them talking. "Who are you talking to"? "My (invisible) friend". "There's no one there stop lying". Flash forward. That parent is now in bed dying (of old age, sharp mind) The adult child is now the care giver, hear's parent talking. "Are you talking to me"? "No, so and so (other parent) is here coming to get me". Walks out of the room shaking their head "Their mind is gone" 🙄 

ml, refer to your started thread - "Let’s make this a better community!? One final shot" - where you even state "I’ve not been perfect". Neither am I. Only a few here are, and they KNOW it. I DO enjoy this place!! 😄

"Any vaccine used in the past, correct me if I'm wrong (🙄) required one shot."

As pointed out previously, you are indeed wrong. Vaccines as common as Chickenpox (Varicella) are multi-dose, as are Hepatitus A and B, and many require annual boosters. Once again, if you had an understanding of what vaccines are, and what they do, you would understand why that is perfectly logical. People talk about vaccines "wearing out" or "stopping working" - but that is profoundly inaccurate. Vaccines are totally transitory in the body - they are destroyed by the body in short order, by the very same immune respose they provoke (except for mRNA vaccines which use the natural iintra-cellular mRNA post-use elimination mechanisms, the proteins produced are removed by the immune response), and after that its totally up to your natural immune system to "remember" the pattern for antibodies needed if that infection returns. Vaccines do not *create* any immunity, they trigger your own body to create its own immunity by *simulating* an infection with the particular pathogen.  Get it?

This is why vaccines are NOT drugs. They do not have any intrinsic therapeutic effect. They trigger your body to defend itself. They bear absolutely zero functional relationship to antibiotics or antivirals that do, on their own, destory infective agents. So please, if you do nothing else, learn the difference as it's key to understanding vaccines. And if you do get COVID, you can then refrain from asking for the vaccine once you hit the hospital, and if you do so anyway, and they laugh, you'll understand why.

"First it was the Corona. Then it changed to Covid. All the while referred to as a Virus. Then it morphed into Delta, but still also Covid. Now it is sometimes referred to as the Disease."

Seriously, why you maintain such willful ignorance? This is akin to saying "well first it was AIDs then it was 'the gay plague', and then it was HIV, all while being called a virus". Well DUH! They all refer to the same infection and infective agent, one just being a pejorative.  Corona is a family of viruses (some of which are responsible for many common colds, and has been know for many decades), COVID is simply COronaVIrusDisease, the "-19" is simply an identifier of the year, 2019 it was characterized. You also hear it called SARS-COV-2, which is merely a generic term for the second SevereAcuteRespiratorySyndrome identified as caused by a Corona virus. All the same virus, all the same disease. None of this is hidden, none of it takes more than 2 minutes on Google if you have any curiousity. This is not hard.

Now Delta, ah yes, that's a good one. Here's where folks like you can step up and take FULL credit for the folks infected with the Delta (and subsequent) variant of COVID-19. Unlike bacteria, or parasites (like the Plasmodium that causes malaria for e.g.), viruses cannot do anything at all unless they can infect a host. They do not possess any "cellular machinery" to perform any metabolic processes. The ONLY WAY viruses can reproduce, and thus mutate, is to infect a host, let's say oh, gee, an unvaccinated human, and for subtle changes to be made to some of the viruses due to transcription errors during replication of the viral RNA (or DNA depending on the virus). That's it. The more infections, the higher the reproduction rate and the higher the number of viral mutations. Even with the vast majority of those mutations being detrimental to the virus, out of trillions and trillions of viral genetic material transcriptions, some of those are going to cause a small positive change (from the virus's point of view) in the virus allowing it to become more deadly, or to spread or infect more easily, or to remain viable outside of a host longer, or some combination of those and similar traits. Then even more people die, and at some point, it *can* mutate to the point where antibodies made in response to vaccines based on the wild type virus, no longer recognize the new one. And Death reigns once more.

So yes, Virginia, you really can endanger the lives of many, many others by sheltering in willful ignorance, refusing to be vaccinated, and thus volunteering to be host for the next viral mutation orgy. It's not just your life, your liberty, you're playing with here. So spin the wheel and see if you win a chance to become the next Typhoid Mary!!!


@jayctoy You seem to have that backwards typically those who get vaccinated are also more likely to wear masks, in public indoor settings at least.