Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


Here are two of what look like many videos that I believe were meant for high school consumption, or at least on that level which explain some things that seem to be very difficult for some here to get their heads around:



Hope that helps some and

All the best,


@tweak1 ,

If you think the virus is real and transmissible ...

Do your own research for: has ANY virus EVER been isolated so that a vaccine can be developed

Next research who developed the PCR test and what does he have to say about it

Now search alternative search engines than Google, Yahoo, Bing for; vax injuries (including athletes), deaths or go to Bitchute and Rumble (then ask why none of the real 411 is available on them)

Finally go to telegram and type in the upper left search bar Official CHANNEL Quantum Truths JCKay, then scroll through and see how many people in countries are marching against their governments oppression and forced vaxes this very day

then ask yourself Why aren’t these being reported 24/7 on MSM



Great advice, but how many here will take it?

Do people even understand that Google and the MSM are not exactly the watchwords for truth and honesty?

And what about awkward stats such as that the 100% double vaccinated Gibraltar has seen a 275% rise in supposed cases?

Even with many of its population (guinea pigs?) "boostered."


Cognitive dissonance is a thing.

Especially for those fed and fuelled by a constant diet of fear and misreporting.


As @mahgister said, give me free thinkers anytime.


I've already alerted you tools that Bitchute is a UK based site for white supremacist, Nazis, anti-Semites and terrorists who have the need to reach out and touch each other. Why you'd reference such a vile cesspool as that speaks volumes. Just who are we conversing with here on A'gon?

All the best,



I’ve already alerted you tools that Bitchute is a UK based site for white supremacist, Nazis, anti-Semites and terrorists who have the need to reach out and touch each other. Why you’d reference such a vile cesspool as that speaks volumes. Just who are we conversing with here on A’gon?

All the best,




Do you think that most people are not able to separate wheat and chaff ? they like children must be protected against "bad media" ?

We are not white supremacist or right wing fanatic or anti semites because we listen a video in bitchute sorry...


A medium so huge contains some interesting video and many stupid one innumerable one , easy to spot also...like other places...

And where do you think migrated some ratrional voices CENSORED totally from youtube and any official medium?

Do you think that an interview by "Epoch times" which is a politically very oriented group must be banned? or we must keep and pass the watchworld and command to all to quit listening to it ?

Then like usual, TAGGING people or media with left and right tags is not the more elevated strategy for a sound mind...

I dont like watchword....I will listen or not to which medium communicate time to times something valuable even if it is Tucker Carlson or Bernie Sanders...

I hate political polarization left/right, it is the way US lost his democracy and his mind....

I hate Biden blind political stance about the world  crisis  with the same hate i resent against Trumpism... 

left/right has no meaning at all in our times, save to select the tv show recommended by the opposing watchwords of these two without brain political factions...