Sonus Faber surprise

After years with my current speakers (gallo nucleus reference 3) I decided to try something different. Didn't really have a chance to audition a bunch of speakers nor the budget to go crazy. I've always thought that Sonus Faber sounded like something I would like so I found an old but maybe never used pair of Concerto homes. They came with the proper stands for these speakers. So I get them all set up and was really surprised to find they are substantially brighter and more energetic than my old gallos. They make a surprising amount of bass for there size but mids and highs are much brighter than I was expecting. They are not irritating in any way but not what I was expecting.  I'm still working on placement but I'm not sure what to think. Does this sound familiar to you other SF users? Any suggestions on something I can try?


I am driving them with an Icon Stereo 40 MK4. Funny thing is they're already sounding better. Don't know if my ears are getting use to them or my placement is getting better but I'm getting happier with purchase. It is possible that they have never been played, they certainly look like it. 

if not played in awhile you need to reform the caps. I find SF to always be musical, a bit warm but also revealing to source. i don't have a Gallo refere, so can't help there. Enjoy !


SF's are wonderful sounding speakers. As tomic601 said they are a bit warm sounding but all in all, a sweet listen. Get some more hours on them and work with placement. They should come around.

Old tshirt,..cut 1.5 inch squares, gorilla tape, on grill fabric, right in front of tweeter,........   if still molar grinding, add another square of tshirt.


   It works so good, I should charge for this info!!


  Had a pair of the BIC Venturi dv84,  the highs were almost searing like the old 1991 corner horns.  Took me 2 1.5 inch cotton squares, and I was in heaven, the soundstage, was amazing! Depth, of vocals, was also perfect!


 Small things will really help.  
I could have used a single cotton shirt square, but as we all's the tweeter, and the highs, which give the soundstage, open airy, imaging, goosebump stuff!!


   I now use a speaker which is crossed at 600hz, or kHz,.....whatever, the highs are subdued by the crossover, and I can listen for hours, days, pass out, sleep to music playing through my stereo. NO Sss Symbalysm, no harsh cymbals, etc etc



    Tweak and enjoy. 

sonus Faber are a top 5 speaker co pant! Regardless of price. 

 Years ago, with my lil person, visited a shop, played a pair of sonus, with MAC, amplification, and a music something CD player,......was such a soft relaxing sound, my lil one was sawing logs after 6 min, I was counting sheep after 10 min myself. 

 If I was a Richie Ritch, yup, I would have drove it all home, ex pet the CD player. 

 BUT, I'm so happy with my....




shi*.    Enjoy. Too much yapping n


