Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


As soon as I saw the phrase plaintiff's lawyers, that said all I needed to hear. Ambulance chasers trying to make a buck off of this. Nothing new. Just stir up the pot and cloud the publics mind (as if it isn't already cloudy enough) so as to poison any jury pool. 

As for any notion of vaccine induced nerve damage, haven't you paid any attention to what the physicians already posted here? (not to mention the 2 videos I posted) It's your immune system over reacting. The vaccine is incapable of doing that. The same amount of people are experiencing the same symptoms from the Shingrex vaccine for Shingles. A very low amount. It happens with every vaccine out there.

Everyone's system reacts differently and the benefits outweigh the risks. There are now lots of people saying their loved ones have suffered from the vaccine when they haven't, trying to scare people out of taking it. Annecdotal evidence is not to taken seriously.

All the best,


Teo...is it your assertion that a company engaged in pharmaceuticals should only appoint plumbers or audio cable manufacturers to their board? We wouldnt want anyone on a corporate board to have any knowledge of the industry would we? That would be the equivalent of putting someone who has filed bankruptcy multiple times in charge of your financial future...oh wait...

I’d ask you to not put words in my mouth and then come off as sneery and dismissive based on your projected self assessment of me.

That’s a tactic to use emotions to help a point be dismissed by the self and any others who might be looking in..

It’s disingenuous and I’m calling you out on it. I don’t have a solution but neither do you.

It could be fair to say..the current scenario can be seen as an an abject failure - when it comes to the ideals of democracy and rule of law as a constitutional pairing.

There are hundreds, literal hundreds of far more damning points and reports from accredited and reliable news sources that can be brought to bear on the discussion.

This probably would not do much good, as this is entrenched warfare (these sorts of threads.)

So I’ll step away from this thread, not in some holier than thou kind of mindset, but knowing it was probably not wise to get involved in the first place.

The desire to get involved (probably for some of us), is tied to knowing that we are coming to a point, in this world.. where there is precious little space or room (if any) left for the wise and thinking to step away from the given ugly fracas of ’psychopathology as rulership’ being the norm in most countries of this world.


As to your point of what to do, well... other countries have strong laws against the scenario of norm for the  the CDC, FDA, FTC, etc....where the public servants cannot be party to involvement in for-profit corporations, either before or after their tenure at the given government office.

These governments do this, order to deal with the issue of collusion and crime being a problem in such scenarios where there are no controls or limits of such, on the given government department heads.

Yet they get things done just fine.

In most cases, with less actual recorded RICO-ish problems, by a notable amount. Usually with more untainted benefit to the public.


We are supposed to be all grown adults and some here defend the relation DOOR OPEN between corporations and Health institutiion ...

They probably will defend the fact that these institutions supposed to be defender of the public health sell also vaccines LIKE the drugs corporations..

Fauci own personally many financial interests in the health politic which he is supposed to direct without interest conflicts...

These are proven facts a children can verify...Even google could not erase all information ...Only displace it....It is called an algorythm...It is better than erasing facts sometimes because it is more efficient toward the same goal....


Teo you are wiser than me...

I must quit also...

But i learned yesterday some news so frigthening that i am in fear for the first time really  ...It is the worst possible news about this vaxx, i hope the Nobel prize scientist is wrong or nut, like said some "enlightened" mind to me here yesterday....

I must wait to verify what has been said and it will takes weeks..

But the news come from a Nobel prize in medecine who was right all along with his affirmations about the pandemy then ...He is not known in american TV for sure...

No US media will ever report it at all...This is absolutely certain...

RT will report it  in weeks to come with his bias for sure... We will see...

It is better for me to pray for all than speak here...

my best to all....



The world change so deeply now at a speed which is near light speed...When the children of your children will ask you what have you seen Daddy? You will be in the obligation to say the truth: i was sleeping...

"It's your immune system overreacting". Does that also explain blood clots? Heart enlargements? Actually I believe immune systems are becomming compromised.

Uh...hey, bright boy.....Covid causes blood clots and heart enlargment....not the vaccine. They've been documented well before we got a vaccine.

All the best,
