Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


Hand sanitizers have become trusted tools to keep people safe and healthy in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic — but now, an independent study suggests some products may be having the opposite effect.

Valisure, an independent pharmacy and lab that tests drug products for quality, says it tested 260 products and found elevated levels of benzene in more than 20 of them.

Benzene is a known human carcinogen, and exposure to it is known to cause blood disorders, including leukemia.

@hms64 Seriously thank you for all of your efforts I understand how tough it's been for those in the healthcare industry.


@isochronism why are "so many healthcare professionals coming out with opinions the opposite of hms64? Because the right wing outrage machine can be very profitable once you tap into it.

Yuvi, you are fortunate to have excellent health and you are to be commended that you take appropriate measures to maximize your chances for that to continue. So you dont use hand sanitizer. cool....i dont unless its a rare circumstance. You eat well and exercise. Terrific, i too subscribe to staying active...long hikes, various outdoor activities. 

i guess that may be where we respectfully take different roads. Just because we have been healthy in the past is no guarantee we will going forward. Reasonable checkup intervals, taking the advice of your doctor and NOT correlating good fortune regarding our health with immunity from future issues. Its the equivalent of not wearing a seat belt because we havent suffered any injuries while driving.


personally, Im cool with adults making decisions. Medical professionals are tired though both physically as well as tired of the chatter from the left field bleachers. I would be too. If people dont believe in the efficacy of of the health care system, they can opt out. They just shounldnt be hypocrites. Dont want a shot, dont. Dont like medical science, commit to never jam up the system if not taking their advice results in a bad outcome.

No, they lost their jobs by refusing vaccination for themselves. And, you want to know what the leading cause of death from Covid is?  Ignorance and misinformation. Thanks a bunch. Some of you guys made it to #1 in something after all.

All the best,
