Finally Learned: Subs serve much larger role than adding more low bass

I sold my older powered sub a while back. reasons-

1. It did not integrate well.

2. I was pretty satisfied with my 2 speakers bass output.

3. Was big, heavy and ugly.

After traveling around the counrty and listening to home systems put together by people who know their way around the industry I realized they all have something I did not. A well integrated bass array.

So what does a bass array add to a 2.0 system?

This is where words fail but I will try:

-Increased Involvement in the listening experience

-More enjoayble sound stage

So if you are like I was, a sub denier, I suggest you try one small

sub, as I did, and see what you experience. My $500 REL T5x experience

did it for me. Now I will buy a second one.



I too am a subwoofer convert. I bought a REL S/812 last year and couldn’t be happier. One thing I also notice as it was mentioned many times in this thread, is that the sub also enhances the SQ of mid & high frequencies. I never understood how this works. I always thought if you set your crossover at let’s say 50hz, the sub only outputs sound at frequencies below the crossover.

Can someone help explain in layman’s terms why a sub can enhance the SQ of frequencies way above the crossover point?

Thanks very much.

Post removed 

Extended response down to 20hz without significant rolloff is rare and definitely impacts what you hear on many recordings.  One or more adjustable powered subs  and even a simple sound meter app to integrate properly solves the problem and one is very likely to take keen notice.   Nothing mysterious about it.  Amount of work and expense needed will vary case by case.   More subs can only be better once set up well. 

If I were to use 4 subwoofers, I would need to custom stall wires and run them about 20 feet to the back wall..  


I researched subwoofers for a year and I thought REL's were the way to go.  Their high level connection allows them to act more like woofers than subwoofers.  You can adjust the gain, volume and crossover.  I am playing my two S2 SHOs at 40% volume.  I also feel two subs are far better than one for room balance.  My secon choice was Rythmik F12SE.


Carbon Miller knows the most about running a 4 subwoofer cluster.  This makes sense because it fills the room.  If you have any questions about how to use subwoofers in your system he is the most knowledgeable.  Averall, he is one of the most knowledgeable in our discussion group.  He is also one of the most willing to help.

@xcool  Seems to me that, because sub(s) complete the holistic frame of the original recording space, that which is not technically affected by frequency augmentation (say, 300 HZ signals when sub's top end is 120Hz) is instead placed in its proper sonic context. Often the most valuable qualities are the seemingly invisible ones we take for granted, such as foundation plantings in a landscape. Nobody pays attention to rows of holly, box, or yew -- all eyes are on the irises, the roses, the cherry blossoms. Yet remove the foundation plantings, and sudenly all the showy stuff looks naked, like a bunch of potted plants set out in a yard, no longer a landscape. So the landscape/soundscape analogy would be my best explanation.