Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


I will re-state my position which is based in scientific history about natural virus emergency:

Look for a vaxx ONLY for the people at risk..

Look for cheap drugs protocols for the young and healthy...Dont ban them...

Test and confine ONLY the people who has virus and symptoms...



Any massive worldwide forced mandate vaccination, even for womans waiting for babies, which has been SERIOUSLY proposed, is science fiction stuff INSANE and OPPOSITE to all medical history with an air borne mutating virus like the flu... ( yes i know that it is not the flu)



I just discover the reason why Fauci just acted like he did...If you analyse the logic behind his gestures and opinions,( it is only my intuition here i can be wrong)


He acted like someone knowing perfectly well, what this NEW virus is, where it come from, and for example his changing of stances abour masks and his way to explain why we must not use mask in the beginning correspond to the experience of someone working in TOP LAB 4 virus tech engineering where masks are useless...He change his stance on mask saying that it was a " noble lie" to keep the amount of mask for doctors and nurses but this is not convincing for me...Lying and admitting to lie is NOT in the midst of a pandemy a very good WISE POLITICAL gesture to admit, it is a serious ethical error ....He must have deeper reason to lie and for me it was his complete knowledge of all there is to know from this virus which explasin logically all his gestures...



For me that explain ALL his gestures: he act like someone who is CONSCIOUS and KNOW he is treating a virus escape from a laboratory. He never did act like a normal doctor in an NATURAL emergency epidemy...

In the case of a dangerous virus escape from a high tech laboratory all these measures make sense:

You circled all the city exposed and ISOLATED it hermetically( like in China)

You confine even the healthy which never occur in a natural virus epidemy coming from natural sources...

You vaxx all people in the city exposed to this risk ...Even asymptomatic and healthy..

You act like in a "war" more than in work field...Then you can push and make the vaxx obligation for the sake of all...

I can be wrong for sure...

It is my intuition, reading facts...And anyway the Chineese also was knowing where the virus comes from; a laboratory and act militarily not at all like normal doctors...

About Fauci imitating the Chineese method in virus escape, his way remind me strongly of someone who act like he knows something no other could know ...Like a criminal participating in his victim disparition traces search expressing some weird gesture...

The worst outcome for a covid infection is for a Black man that is hospitalized in the United States of America.... with all the fantastic cutting edge super medicine available.

Whereas Africa, with it's witch doctors,  has the lowest mortality overall.



Know it alls?


Many years ago Dave Letterman and Conan did montages of news channel anchors, as well as those reading the teleprompter to the watching audience THE EXACT SAME reports- WORD FOR WORD! How can that be if news is impartial and honest?


Now Read this if you dare to be awakened instead of woke

@MichaelYeadonQ: Hello, I am Former Researcher and Vice-President of Pfizer Inc. You can google me. I was recently banned from Facebook and Twitter so Telegram is currently the best and most secure communication app so I’ll share here, everything that they denied me. But first, I would like to ask you to share my channel so that as many people possible can gather here. In 7 days i will start sharing SECRET documents, human trials and everything Pfizer Inc. has been hiding from the public. If you are prepared for the truth, JOIN and SHARE this post everywhere you can.

“As the World Health Organization has made very clear about the side effects of vaccines and medicines, experimental vaccines against Covid-19 appear to be more dangerous than any other. It can’t be hidden! But politicians and mainstream media don’t care.

Each drug and each vaccine may have an adverse drug reaction (NLR). It is ok. And usually the benefits of a drug or vaccine out weigh the potential harm. Everything else doesn’t make sense. Isn’t it? However, new data from the World Health Organization (WHO) calls into question, at least, the serious benefits of an experimental vaccine against Covid-19. It is quite unlikely that the mainstream media will publish this data. This is due to the fact that they contradict the generally accepted opinion that these experimental vaccines are “safe”.

And now the “highlight of the program”: an experimental vaccine against Covid-19. A vaccine that does not protect against SARS-CoV-2 infection and does not even prevent the spread of the virus. WHO has also collected data on this. Result: 2,457,386 reported cases of side effects. Since 2020.

The list of registered side effects is also very long (in the appendix below)

In general, one may wonder why politics continues to rely so heavily on mandatory vaccination. On the one hand, we have side effects like no other vaccine or medicine, on the other hand, the rudimentary protective effect lasts only a few months. Is it really worth it? And we didn’t even mention the numerous “sudden and unexpected” deaths that the media and obituaries are filling today.

When you look at the long list of side effects in such a short time when using experimental Covid vaccines, you also realize that the situation with deaths as a result of this does not look much better. We are also talking about the longer-term consequences of death, for example, in myocarditis. The main side effect of mRNA vaccines. About 40 percent of the injured die from the consequences within ten years. This means that these cases are not yet included in the data on vaccination deaths. If they are included at all. But neither politics nor the mainstream media are interested in this.”

Just clicking on the thumbnails in mahgister’s system profile tell me everything I need to know about this dude....wtf!  😂🤣😳


Totally normal stuff



Yale... really? Home of Skull and Bones. And you think they are reporting the truth?