Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube



 COVID-19 continues to spread worldwide, with high numbers of fatalities reported first in China, followed by even higher numbers in Italy, Spain, the UK, the USA, and other advanced countries. Most African countries, even with their less advanced healthcare systems, continue to experience lower COVID-19 mortality rates. This was the case as the pandemic reached its first peak, plateaued, and declined. It is currently rising again in some countries, though not as rapidly as before. This study aimed to determine the predictors of COVID-19 mortality rate. This may help explain why Africa's COVID-19 mortality rate is, ironically, lower than that of more advanced countries with better health systems. This will also assist various governments in balancing their COVID-19 restrictive and socioeconomic measures.

I think it must be the racist Doctors/Nurses in the US, hating that black man. God Damn white supremacy, we should poll all the doctors on audiogon...how many have a personal collection of KKK Hoods.


The coronavirus pandemic is having an impact all over the world, but a disturbing trend is evident in the U.S.: People of color, particularly African Americans, are experiencing more serious illness and death due to COVID-19 than white people.

Just clicking on the thumbnails in mahgister’s system profile tell me everything I need to know about this dude....wtf! 😂🤣😳


H-o-l-y...S.....T !

I never saw that before. He must be roomates with Geoff Kait.

I mean, to each his own, but suddenly, it explains so much....

@prof I will make sure to leave you my dying testimony about my changed vaccine views. How should it go??

I wish I took the vaccine, I repent.

Can I please take the vaccine now? Is it too late?

Please take the vaccine, don’t be me, I am a dumb evil antivaxxer, Russian disninformation is directly responsible for my death?


Is that good? If you have any suggestions, I can add other lines to the script.

Maybe we can turn this into an advertising campaign...... oh .....just like constantly bombard people with the same story over and over and over again......that might be good don’t you think?


"I think Ron's video is a pretty strong argument for getting vaccinated, even though he does not explicitly state that."


Based strictly upon his words, Ron's message could be interpreted as " This terrible thing has happened, out of the blue, to our family and there was nothing we could've done about it", as if there had been no advance warning and no possible strategy for avoiding or minimizing the impacts.And the responses I've read on youtube have been largely in this same vein. 

I don't know the guy so I have no idea what he might be thinking but not saying. There was certainly no explicit acknowledgment that he could have handled it differently -- that he chose to ignore the advice of the great majority of health practitioners, world-wide and in so doing, brough this calamity down upon himself and his loved ones. 

Given that he's suffered significantly, one might think, for the sake of other families who are anti-vax, Ron might be inclined to make a far less ambivalent statement. Perhap he is still too "shell-shocked" to think of anyone else or perhaps he's still convinced he made the right decision, like the Covid patients dying in  ICU's who still refuse the vaccine. To say the degree to which he side-stepped the massive "elephant in the room" was "striking" would be, from my perspective, an understatement. 

I hope that what you suggest is indeed true-- that his video may serve as a "strong argument for getting vaccinated" -- but based upon the virulence and quantity of anti-vax posts on this thread, I have my doubts.