Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


mahgister, you're probably about ready for some more Pat Martino. "Butterfly Dreams" - Stanley Clarke Children of Forever 👍

Hey, these guys may just be right and onto something. Those 3 microchips that were planted in me with the vaccine are rubbing together and making noises, or it's my arthritis acting up.

All the best,


mahgister, you're probably about ready for some more Pat Martino. "Butterfly Dreams" - Stanley Clarke Children of Forever 👍




Pat Martino is indeed way more than one of the greatest guitarist i ever listen to...

His only peer for me is an unknown "god" here of the tanbur in Iranian music.. Ostad Elahi being also the greatest musician Yehudi Menuhin say he ever listen to...

The reason is Pat Martino plays like a composer and a musician, not just like the average guitar virtuoso, his unmistakable style, united melody, rythm, and harmony in an never ending unity, so much powerful that all the 20 albums i ownede already are like one single album , one piece of music only...

The reason is his music is so DENSE and DEEP, rythmically,melodically and harmonically that it is no more just guitar virtuoso but a NEW KIND of interpretation an creation with this instrument...And all musicians playing in his albums are heavily marked by his direction... They dont play their part only like in the most majority of jazz albums..He musicians playing around Martino plays under Martino melting steel musical flow, they seems disciples more than side partner...Thst speak a lot about his genius...

my best to you...


I just watched 6 testimonials today of people describing their vaxx injuries, and 3 others talking about their loved ones dying from it. This in in the last 30 minutes alone.

Laugh it up.....the joke is on you....you just don't know it yet. 


Remember when some Trumpist had no arguments and was serving to you the same absence of reason and only mockery and insults with comic book video and images?

Do i need to remember to you the name of some and the way they acted at the time? You act exactly like them right now....


Hey, these guys may just be right and onto something. Those 3 microchips that were planted in me with the vaccine are rubbing together and making noises, or it’s my arthritis acting up.

All the best,
