Calling All Ex - Shindo Preamp Owners


I am currently using and enjoying my Shindo Masseto preamp, but there is always an eye to see what else is out there. Terribly promiscuous, I know. To be clear, I am not trying in any way to disparage Shindo preamps (they are great), but was  curious whether there are any ex-Shindo preamp owners out here - I would love to get some insight into what convinced you to move on and to which other brand(s) you moved on to (and why). Thank you!



+1, @noromance

My ownership experience limited to Monbrison preamp and Mr. T. I held on to the preamp in hopes of building an all out Shindo system. IMO, that’s the only way to truly appreciate the Shindo sound which is divine. My only regret is that I didn’t pursue Shindo while it’s founder Mr. Ken Shindo was alive. He produced some of the best amps during his lifetime. The current production of amps are very limited thus making it bit challenging if you own non-field coil speakers. The used prices on Ken Shindo amps are ridiculously high not to mention lack of dealer support on used products. Their attitude is very discouraging as soon as they learn you did not buy from them.

I end up selling the Monbrison and bought Accuphase Class A Integrated which in my opinion is the next best thing to Shindo sound. The Accuphase synergy with my Tannoy Canterbury’s is simply magical :-)

Thanks @lalitk - appreciate the sharing. why do you say "The current production of amps are very limited thus making it bit challenging if you own non-field coil speakers." My impression (perhaps misimpression) that most Shindo owners today are not using field coil speakers.