int amp for naim cd5x

recently purchased a naim cd5x cd player. hooked it up to a ps audio gcc-100 int amp. very dissapointed in the sound quality so far. music sounds congested with little soundstage. have tried various cables even a din to rca hookup. i then tried it out on a borrowed musical fidelity x-150 int amp and got much improved sound quality.
can anyone recomend an integrated amp tube or ss that would match up well with this cd player or recomend a cd player that would match up with my ps audio amp. dont know which component to keep and work around.
The Naim integrated amp is a gem, I would recommend giving it a try, though people might be a little more helpful knowing what speakers you are driving.
Naim gear takes a good LONG while to burn in, even if it's used and has been off for awhile.
Naim Nait 5i will rock your world with the CD5X. :)
A perfect match.
PS Audio and Naim are at opposite ends.
When I heard a Nait5i with a mere CD5i and some Vandersteens 2A's, I was mightily impressed. If I'd had the $ and wasn't so much more into vinyl, I'd have gotten that combo.