Best Phono You've Heard Under $2200

Tube or SS, doesn't matter. Just want to know the best you've heard/owned.


@avanti1960   For the last like 5 years I have been using the Lounge LCR MKIII. It sounds fine and I have no issue with it. I forget about it sometimes but its not an endgame piece. Its never been upgraded and was bought when it was the darling of another forum.


It will go into a Quicksilver Linestage Preamp (12AT7 version with Mullard CV 4024s) and into an Odyssey Khartago (with upgrades). Phono and interconnects  are Audio Envy (speaker cables to come soon but currently Morrow SP-4's)

Keep it simple for MM or MI this is the best I have had the pleasure of owning and will never part with it.




I'm hoping for a little shock and awe. If I can cancel my pre-order because I like the Sutherland I save some cash. Which is always nice. Especially for me.

I have a Sutherland PhD. Brings out all the detail on the disc. Neutral with a nice wide soundstage. This was a big step up from previous stages.  I will be receiving a Don Sachs tube phono stage next week. I am looking forward to comparing the two. Best of luck with the 20/20!