The 2a is a fantastic value and very neutral sonically. The Modwright is it’s equal in many ways. Both benefit from HRS damper blocks and couplers. I am running the 2a with a Damper and stillpoints. enjoy the search and the music.
Herron Audio VTPH-2A - Modwright PH 9.0X - Icon audio ps1 mkii
Hi Everyone, I’ve heard great things about the Herron but notice it’s discontinued on the website. I’ve reached out to Keith to inquire but my other choices are the Modwright PH9.0x and Icon PS3 MK II. Has anyone compared these. I have had great experience with Dan and his mod of my Pioneer LX500. I appreciate any insights.
I contacted Keith from Herron and he is no longer making the VTPH-2A. Scarcity of parts and he's gearing for retirement at 71. He said he's still producing a run of the VTSP/3A. Great man, I wish him well. So that strikes that one off the list. One of my dealers suggested Musical Surroundings Nova III as a good phonostage. Does anyone have any experience with this? |
Wait for a VTPH-2A if you can. I have no experience with Icon Audio, so won't comment on that. I have compared the VTPH-2A to the Manley Chinook and the Pass Labs XP-15 phono stages, both very nice units. The Herron has more drive, dynamics, and detail and is incredibly quiet. It easily outclassed both of these units. Like @islandmandan I went from a Modwright preamp (LS100) to the Herron VTSP-360 and it was also a nice improvement. The LS100 had a phono stage, but I never tried it and don't know how it compares to the PH9.0. I thought the LS100 might be a "forever" piece for a long time, but after hearing the VTPH-2A, I decided to try the VTSP-360. I owned a couple of Musical Surroundings Nova Phonomena stages. I'm not sure how they compare to the Nova III, but the Nova Phonomena was a higher model than the Nova at the time. It was great from a functionality standpoint with lots of loading and gain options, but was not as good as either the XP-15 or the Chinook, It was more "flat" sounding with less drive and dynamics and not even close to the VTPH-2A. My comments are in no way a put down of Modwright, Pass Labs, or Manley's products, they are all very good, it's just that the VTPH-2A is better. |
I've got a Herron VTSP-360-Ref preamp and a Herron VTPH-2A phono preamp, and they are both magic. Keith puts some serious mojo into his gear. I'm glad I was able to get this stuff while he was still making them. I like tube gear that looks like tube gear with big tubes sticking out on top, but I also like tube gear like Keith's that you wouldn't guess was tube by looking at it or listening to it - just great, neutral sound that he happened to create using tubes. At least that's how it seems to me. I wish him well in retirement.... But used ones will become even more scarce, as I'd guess most people selling or trading their Herron gear are just moving further up the line to one of his newer models. |