Audioquest speaker cables

I am looking to upgrade speaker cables and wondered if anyone has compared the Audioquest William Tell bi- wire cable with the Robinhood bi-wire.  What improvements (if any) did you notice?


I looked at your system, i think the copper might sound better w brick fireplace and the B and W tweeter. Save some significant $ You could also try single cable w jumper to ease in cost wise, then add 2nd run later.


Yes, I believe the bi-wire is copper.  Yeah. I go back abd forth between getting the wires separate to save money upfront or biting the bullet and getting it all at once.

So they use a different AWG with the bi-wire option?  The William Tell zero is 13 awg.

Most Audioquest speaker wire are comprised of 4 wires for RED+ and 4 wires for BLACK- (the low end products such as Rocket 33 use 3 wires or 2 wires for each RED/BLACK).  When they do the bi-wire on a speaker cable, they just take 2 wires for each banana/spade connection.  The core 13awg speaker wire is the same.  You just are splitting the speaker wire "in half" for bi-wire option. 

If Audioquest really doubled up on the bi-wire option, the price of the "bi-wire" version would be over TWICE the price of the normal version.


tomic604 stated this:

Yes the AQ can and should be two sets of cables, so no concern about awg.

I believe he is recommending using two sets of speaker cable for speakers that have 4 binding posts.  You can definitely connect multiple speaker wires to the amp side.  Either you double-stack two spades or you use one spade and one banana.  On the speaker side, one "normal" speaker cable is attached to the top binding posts and one for the bottom.  You are still buying two sets of speaker cable.