I’ve been in the hobby for about 3-4 years now, and I’ve finally kicked the "chase the dragon" element of this hobby.
Went through the typical listen to random music that sounds good phase. Chased detail etc. But I’m really a big prog rock and metal guy (poor to okay recordings), as well as some blues and jazz sprinkled in.
Now I know what I like and don’t like. I know I like the scale offered by big speakers, and a well delineated sound stage / imaging. I don’t really care about micro detail anymore, I like dynamics and warmth. I’ve sold silver cables to go back to copper etc.
Long story short - I think we all go through that phase, especially when you are deep in the thralls of the obsession. But once the hobby takes a step back in your priorities, I find you can re-approach it with a clearer head and even save some money !