How do you know when a stereo sounds good?

When do you know your system is pleasing to listen to? How do you conclusively prove to yourself that your system sounds good to you? How do you determine that you enjoy listening to music through your stereo? Do you have a suite of measurements that removes all shadow of a doubt that you are getting good sound, sound that you enjoy? Please share.


Measurements are another tool that smart people know how to apply for example to help decide what products to choose to listen to so they can then make their subjective decisions about what sounds good more effectively.

What comes first the chicken or the egg?

How do you decide what products to listen to? A crystal ball? What looks good? What some guy on the internet or a reviewer says you should? Only the ones at the local dealer if there even is one near you? Only the ones in a friend’s house, if available?

Maybe. But if you are building a system with components, putting those into a room, and you want those components to perform well together and thereby have a better chance of sounding good or maybe even outstanding once you get that far best to learn to read and interpret measurements. Not that you might not stumble onto something good otherwise, but....facts matter. Especially technical ones. You can choose to ignore them but does not change the facts.



19,678 posts

I suppose this thread might be viewed as part of Synergistic’s research.

How do you decide what products to listen to? A crystal ball?

Asking audiophiles what constitutes good sound is somehow intrinsic to Synergistic Research? LOL

Typically we look at measurements to determine what to listen to first, compatibility with our systems. Personally I tend to like amplifiers that double power as impedance halves, with high dampening factors. That said, it tells me nothing about what will sound best in my stereo, for that I listen, subjectively. Pretty much like other audiophiles who also own good sounding stereos.

Yours in music,

Lead Designer/CEO Synergistic Research Inc.

Audio Research has it right, measure and let Warren listen as final Quality Assurance…..of course, they are inventing, designing, building and supporting real stuff…

when you spent your kids’ College funds on cables: that’s when you know.

I have the feeling the folks buying these cables have what I call "screw you money" and their children want for nothing. Unlike you who seem to have an issue with this.

It is not like these cable manufacturers are selling Smack, Skagg, China White, Mexican Brown. Giving you your fist taste for free to set the hook.

I have an issue with the entire post as it is subliminal PR. But if people want spend their hard earned money, or their kids inheritance on these cables then good for them.

We know your position on cables and you are a Anti Cabler so move on you are coming across as a troll.