How do you know when a stereo sounds good?

When do you know your system is pleasing to listen to? How do you conclusively prove to yourself that your system sounds good to you? How do you determine that you enjoy listening to music through your stereo? Do you have a suite of measurements that removes all shadow of a doubt that you are getting good sound, sound that you enjoy? Please share.


I am a bit short on time, so I can say this, briefly and hope it makes sense.

OP: How do you determine that you enjoy listening to music through your stereo? 

I determine I enjoy listening to music in the same way I determine I'm in pain: I just feel and know it.

The puzzle to me was why someone with access to their own mind would ask this question. That's why my initial post proposed another way to ask the question. And those who have answered it clearly took it as posed in that other way, or they'd have had nothing to say. Gotta leave it there.

"The puzzle to me was why someone with access to their own mind would ask this question."

Thank You hilde45!!! That has been my point all along! But Ted Denney thinks that I'm obtuse.

Most people fell in the pit of measurements as proof of the system S.Q. ( this is not even false for sure, measurements are NECESSARY tools in engineering)

Or most others retreated in their subjective trench: if i like  it, it must be  good... ( this is not even false either) This is no argument but a watchword for common place statement....


My main point :

Objectivist and subjectivist alike IDOLIZE the gear...

Where is acoustic power in this insane logic?


I never know what my gear sound potential could be BEFORE acoustic treatment and control...

To me it sounds good when the music can have a deep effect on me. When it sounds exceptional, then you will have shivers when you hear the song next time coming up even on TV or on your phone - even a low quality playback will be enough to recall the experience and bring you back to when you heard the song "for the first time for real".

Of course, this cannot be true for every music we play, as let's be frank - most live music is quite mediocre. Recordings take a notch (or several notches) down from there.

Yet, when you have a life changing live performance or song that talks to your soul, even taking that notch down is still a much more fulfilling experience than a whole bunch of mediocre live shows. That's how I know when a stereo system sounds good. Just forget about mesurberating. You will instantly know when the system sounds good. People will look as if they got an adrenaline shot or are just back from a trip to a different universe. When you need to reason the qualities, then there's always room to improve.

In short, when you get a Life Changing Experience, then it sounds good.