A decent integrated amp under 2K ...

I'm looking for an INTEGRATED AMP. My speakers are Altec 620A (100 db efficiency) and my listening room is 14 x 21. I mainly listen to digital files from my DAC (Metrum) but sometimes I feel less lazy and put on a vinyl on my Garrard. I don't need a phono stage, I use the one from another integrated amplifier (Spendor D40). Here's my shortlist:

1) Belles Aria Integrated (slightly powerful for my needs)

2) Croft phono integrated (since I don't need a phono stage, I think it's a shame to burn tubes for nothing)

3) Rogue Sphinx V3 (too powerful for my needs)

FURTHER CONSIDERATIONS: I can live with tubes but only in the PREAMP section and I try to avoid Class A due to the heat. I'm open to Class D (proof: the Rogue) but the choice is limited and these devices come with a bunch of stuff I don't need. I rather spend my $ where it will make a difference.



Another vote for Vincent, I have the SA 31 MK / Sp 331 MK pre power amps but the integrated's are also very nice. 

Loved the Quicksilver integrated and with 101db speakers, those 20wpc are going to sound delightful. I know you said tubes only in preamp side, but...it's such an amazing value. Seriously.

A bit more follow up; - - - - Getting back to my recommendation of BLACK ICE AUDIO,  in as much as you have such enormously efficient speakers, You could save a little more money and go with the F11 integrated amp. Same marvelous sonics as the F22 and F35, same outstanding build but quite a bit less money than the F22. The power band would be perfect for your system.

On another note:  The CAYIN which I saw mentioned, is a very excellent performing amplifier. The latest version of the A88T is also beautifully built but the price is definitely out if your range. I wouldn't recommend a used one. Furthermore I would think carefully before going to a China based company. With the world situation as it is today. if you ever had a failure issue, I can't imagine what you would have to go through.  BLACK ICE AUDIO is the new parent of Jolida Don't get them confused however. With the integration of Jim Fozgate's designs, the new BLACK ICE amplifiers are so much better than the best Jolida ever offered, - - Well, there is simply no comparison. 

A close friend of mine just took delivery on an F22 with EL34's. Right out of the box, he is totally blown away by the reproduction. That's about all I can say.

I had the croft and it is excellent but your speakers so sensitive I would look at a leben cs300 SH which is slightly sweeter than the croft.