FM Tuners

I would like to add a tuner to my system.

I am only beginning to research this, so anyone with experience that could help narrow my focus would be appreciated. I'm not looking for vintage receivers with built-in amps. I'd like a tuner to run into a Van Alstine SET 120, which is a control amp with a passive pre-amp section.

A tuner with a built-in pre-amp is not necessary, but I'm wondering if that might just be the ticket.

Thank you for sharing your experience!


Sorry not to answer your question. But I am seriously trying to be helpful. I would recommend a streamer. You can get thousands of stations from all over the world, and depending on the quality of the streamer, with much greater fidelity. In addition, you get access to hundreds of thousands of digital tunes, many in greater resolution than red book CD. The service cost for access is the same as buying a CD a month..$14.99 / month for Qobuz… whom most audiophiles consider the best service… with the most high Rez content. Also, as broadcast stations disappear, more internet stations appear.


I looked up something like Bosnian jazz and found a couple dozen stations… the amount of available music in this way is virtually infinite. While I have a very good system, streaming sound quality is as satisfying as my vinyl rig and with only minutely less detail.

Thank you. I am looking forward to getting a streamer in the future. I will also be looking for a DAC, but there are some local stations that I would like to pick-up and think that beginning with a tuner would be more cost effective.

I do wonder if I can pick-up local stations on a Streamer.

Thank you. That website is a true archive! It seems great if you're researching something in particular. Otherwise it is a bit overwhelming from my starting point.

I still enjoy using a tuner. There are many outstanding vintage FM tuners that you can get . The Japanese tuners from the seventies were tops. I have owned many tuners. Kenwood, Sansui, Luxman, Pioneer and many other brands can be had for a song. If you are looking to buy a new tuner there are not many companies that still make tuners. BTW, I now use a Magnum Dynalab !