Nobsound springs - load range

I want to try out the Nobsound springs as damping footers (mainly under my mono blocks and my streamer). I ordered a first set of them and now I wonder about the amount of springs to put in for different weights of equipment.I remember one post that said it works best when 50% compressed (was it @millercarbon?).

I measured the compression of the springs, it takes ~2.5 kg per spring to compress it to 50%. Based on 50% compression target, this yields the following sweet spot configurations (only stable ones, total equipment weight):
- 3 units, 3 springs each: 22.5 kg
- 4 units, 3 springs each (or 3 units, 4 springs each): 30 kg - 4 units, 4 springs each: 40 kg
- 3 units, 6 springs each: 45 kg
- 3 units, 7 springs each: 52.5 kg
- 4 units, 6 springs each: 60 kg
- 4 units, 7 springs each: 70 kgLoad can be considerably higher than expected (somewhere I read about 36kg, which is presumably for 4 units).

Any comments?What about ~10 kg streamer, seems to be too light to compress the springs enough? Does anyone have experience with Nobsound springs under light equipment like this?
Based on your experiences: Would you even dare to put an 80kg floor standing speaker on Nobsound springs?

I disagree, this time-rare, with mc.  There's nothing wrong with looking for the best starting point via applied science, at least not IMHO. Others can try one hundred permutations and and individual audible testing if they so choose. The key is getting to the right place in the end.

OP now you have tried ear plugs. NOW take the upper and lower portion along with the springs, and put the pocket side down. Spray everything with aerosol Flex Seal, reinstall your gummy puffers (ear plugs) in the springs and assemble.. 

Try that. Suspension 101. :-) Added another 6-8.00 usd for great dampening on your vibration and accumulator (shock) control.. 

I'm working on a budget pneumatic (air ride) system. :-)


At peanuts cost i will try it myself.... Thanks to the old mechanic who feed chickens all day long....😊