Interesting information from Analog Planet on Stylus Cleaner Onzow Zero Dust.

Here is the link, judge for yourself. 
No residue on my stylus but I binned my onzow anyway 




Alas, we have no idea how many of them perceived something but did nothing about it. Perhaps they had no access to a good lab, Perhaps they put it down to stylus wear.

@terry9  or perhaps none of the above, and none of them heard any degradation at all. ..:0)

"I am sure that is what started the investigation...."

How would you know this???

And how do you know different?

Can play this game all night. Every picture tells a story don't it. 

Clearly it is not cataracts, or it it?

@jerryg123 it it is very strange….

a strange coincidence….with regards to Wally tools.

You aren’t connected to them…or are you?