What is PRaT

I know this is a stupid question, but what is PRaT
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There are acronyms just about anywhere you look. If any are mysterious and you want to know what they mean, there's this Google thing that makes it very easy and you can find out in seconds; what's wrong with looking up the meaning of something? Don't expect anybody to stop using them for your convenience. 

If people use the term PRaT a lot, they are probably a prat. I suggest the Urban Dictionary for the best reference.

Boa2 hears it as I do, often heard it as allied to transient attack vs. decay. The warmer the system the more decay increased, this may be perceived as slower.


I also believe timing issue can be easily heard with certain digital. Jitter is exactly timing issue, higher jitter causes what people describe as digititus or fatigue. Get the timing right, sound becomes more coherent, natural.