The best reception I have was with my Sony XDR-F1HD tuner. It is discontinued but was super cheap. There are a lot of other posters who also think this little guy has the best reception. I got mine modified by this guy.
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I am no longer using the Sony because my other 3 tuners sound a bit to a lot better.
I have 2 Magnum Dynalab ST-2 antennas. I have 1 hanging upside down on the roof line and the other is inside on a window. I have a 3rd indoor antenna that is truly excellent but I cannot figure out what the name of the antenna is. I bought it a few years ago for about $100.
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In terms of reception the best to worst on my collection:
1) Sony XDR-F1HD (not using now but worked great with both type of antennas)
2) Accuphase T-101 (use indoor St-2)
3) Sansui T-9900 (use unknown indoor antenna)
4) Magnum Dynalab 108T (use outdoor ST-2)