The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts


The question was did they teach it. Not did you learn it. The meaning is educational standards have declined to such a dismal level you can reach adulthood now not having been taught basic knowledge that was once learned in grade school. That is a reflection on public education not you. Now if you want to act like everything is about you, well sorry. 


Our understanding of Electricity as a cosmic force is in it's infancy. 


This is just a little poke into the ever deep Rabbit Hole. 


You know that "Thunderbolts of the Gods", i.e. the "Electric Universe" is quackery? No recognized scientist thinks this is a suitable theory to explain the universe. There is 0 rigorous work to turn this hypothesis into a theory. I would go on a limb and expect that the authors and proponents don't have the mathematical chops to do the due diligence needed. These guys are nut jobs. I will use their own words ...


The evidence suggests that only a few thousand years ago planets moved close to the earth, producing electrical phenomena of intense beauty and terror. 
We contend that humans once saw planets suspended as huge spheres in the heavens. Immersed in the charged particles of a dense plasma, celestial bodies "spoke" electrically and plasma discharge produced heaven-spanning formations above the terrestrial witnesses. 


Copernic was a "nut" job for most scientist at his times, compared to the very precise modelling of what man SEE in the sky with Ptolemaic epicycles...

It is not so much the accuracy of his model that made him victorious but the changing times...

It  was the new epoch where modelling apparences like Prolemaic mechanic were no more enough , man look for a new way to look at the sky....A theoretical view... This era was looking for an  idea victorious OVER THE PERCEPTION itself...

I dont know for the electrical universe at all.... But who is the nut job you or his proponent against all others scientist ?



@apogeum ,

Even hard core physicist will tell you that field theory for electrical conduction is rarely consequential to the outcome, though we both use and experience it day in and day out in the form of transformers, RF, and EMI.  Contrary to what our friend @teo_audio states, engineers often use fairly complex model for inductance, electrical fields, etc. even to the point of doing finite element analysis for things like  transformers, antennas, sensors, electromechanical semiconductor elements, semiconductors period, etc.

When dealing with things in isolation, ohms law works just fine and is more than accurate enough for audio, and we do use that knowledge of fields, mainly to shield ourselves from the instances where they become an issue with the exception of transformers. All the semiconductors we use benefit heavily from our knowledge of fields and how they apply to electrical conduction and hence once could say that knowledge has greatly led to improved audio.

Unfortunately, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, so when some grab onto this knowledge without fully understanding said knowledge, they come to erroneous conclusions, mainly from not understanding the magnitude of effects. Lot's of "interesting" things said about cables that a little analysis would show can't be remotely audible.

It is not unlike things with Covid. People latch onto things that match what they believe already, so they see a study that says 60% of infected people are vaccinated and they jump to or are easily led to the conclusion that vaccines don't work or worse cause more infections. They don't dive deep into the data that shows that 80% of the people are vaccinated, hence relative infection rates are 60/80 for vaccinated versus 40/20 for non vaccinated (using representative but not real numbers). The further don't delve into age related stats that skew that data even more towards vaccine effectiveness.