The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts


I doubt we would agree on where the revolutions are in neuroscience but I agree, revolutions, but not just in neuroscience, but in all areas of "human" science. We even have an Aids vaccine on the horizon, and I expect we are going to see cancer vaccines in the not too distant future.


By the way i was speaking about a revolution in biology not about new technologies..vaxx technology are easy today ask Gates...Do you take sharks are geniuses?

Friston ideas are a revolution, not new tech in medecine only or mainly...

And you said you have been a Tesla fan... I smile because you denigrate him completely with falsities...

He was only a tinkerer you said ....With more inventions than the great Steinmetz himself...Is Steinmetz a tinkerer?

He vas not a scientist you said.. False...

He has a big ego .... False for anybody knowing his life...

He died broke ... Which is true but it is no way the testimony of a failure but the sign on the contrary of his true dimension in life.... He never bother himself with the economical aspect of his inventions and even throw a contract of millions dollars just to help a friend...( Westinghouse)

He was gifted among other talents with eidetic memory.... I proved by fact that eidetic memory exist contrary to your dismissal... Why not apologizing for your negation of evident facts? you are silent?

You even say he was senile in old age which is false....



I grew up being a Tesla fan. The more I knew, the less impressed I was. There were far less inventors and far more simple and undiscovered in Tesla’s era than today, not to mention far lower cost to patent. Things are much different today.


Your last argument is meaningless... You just said that it was easy to be "Tesla" in his time and today it is more difficult to be a "Tesla"? Is it the reason why you are not a genius?

With your childish line of reasoning Archimedes had a more easy way for sure living in a older past......I guess you dont know anythhing about his method...

It takes 2 millenia to understand Archimedes, do you think is genius is exhausted by " tinkering" in his bath?

You think really that you are superior it seems ?



Try to read a genius and explain it to me tomorrow,his name is Karl Friston, i will wait...Do you need more than a day? it take me few hours and i am not a genius...I supposed you will easily did it in few hours...

Try Karl Friston...I will be here to read your briefing about him... His work is the beginning of a revolution in life science similar only to quantum mechanic in physics... Explain to me why i said so if i am right and why i am wrong if it is the case...I will wait ... After all you are a genius... 😁😊



I know too much geniuses in all fields myself to brag about me like you did here...

i am not a scientist at all by the way contrary to you... And not a genius at all.... But i KNOW how to read ...Books and people...


I hate when someone attack very great souls...Tesla is a great soul not only a genius....



«Any encounter with a genius make us humble... Save if we are not able to understand him at all....»-Anonymus Smith


@cindyment when you start off a reply by accusing others of being nutcases, there can’t be much of a conversation from there on out.

Like I said, I am not interested in talking to you, so please ignore my replies, I am conversing with other less intelligent souls, who have a dumb open mind, a mind that is still receptive to new ideas.

Guys …. Guys …. You are wasting your time and energy engaging with this persona , I suspect this is merely another example of a certain members sock puppetry.

Same egotistical methodology, same use of three paragraphs , same abrasive manner ( altho turned up a notch due to the anonymity)  claims of expertise in the field of XRay and other medical sciences e.g. Neuroscience etc .etc .

One might consider that since his suspension and release, orchestrated by another barely believable persona, and being aware that he will be under scrutiny from the Admin and Moderation team,  the requirement for anther account as an outlet for his ‘True’  personality must be compelling.

*** Simply Ignore ***

Post removed 

@yuviarora ,


Any person who publicly writes this is in the latter 20th century or 21st century is a nutcase. Keep in mind it is you that is advancing the people who wrote this.


The evidence suggests that only a few thousand years ago planets moved close to the earth, producing electrical phenomena of intense beauty and terror.
We contend that humans once saw planets suspended as huge spheres in the heavens. Immersed in the charged particles of a dense plasma, celestial bodies "spoke" electrically and plasma discharge produced heaven-spanning formations above the terrestrial witnesses.