I find Electric Universe’s claims far more believable than Magical black holes, dark matter, etc etc etc....
I have watched over a 1000 hours of accompanying videos and evidence, claims made by credible scientists, working at mainstream institutions. Their theories have successfully predicted all sorts of phenomena in space (decades/centuries in advance), observations that have left main stream scientists completely befuddled.
All the information is available online, cited, catalogued, straight from the horse’s mouth. It is there for people that are interested enough to go and investigate for themselves.
Every revolutionary idea in human history has been labelled "Nutcase" by all the mediocre minds, mediocre minds that themselves have always maintained that their generation had reached the end of Human discovery, nothing new is possible.
"It was very easy to be a scientist in the past" they constantly scream...
All the while denigrating and harassing people that are doing all the trailblazing.