The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts

The evidence suggests that only a few thousand years ago planets moved close to the earth, producing electrical phenomena of intense beauty and terror.
We contend that humans once saw planets suspended as huge spheres in the heavens. Immersed in the charged particles of a dense plasma, celestial bodies "spoke" electrically and plasma discharge produced heaven-spanning formations above the terrestrial witnesses.


@yuviarora , I will keep posting this as this was in the direct link you provided. I have been aware of the electric universe concept for many years, and with very very odd exception, I cannot find any reputable scientists that promote this idea, and their "explanations" are not more observable or accurate than any others and most of their so called models do not even work on a solar system level, let alone explain so many phenomena which we observe more and more. Keep in mind that things like the LHC prove more and more that many of the things before thought purely theoretical, are actually true. Ditto for the gravity wave detector, which detected something your electric universe model would not allow, and I don't think neutrinos would fit in either.

I find it interesting that you accuse me of being indoctrinated, who has many thousands of hours of education in physics, as well and many more thousands in applied physics, which gives me a solid foundation to build on w.r.t. other aspects of physics, but you, who have watched Youtube videos, but appears to lack a strong theoretical background is not "indoctrinated". Care to share why you believe that is so?



We dont know what electricity is...

We can play with it and wrote equations born from Faraday phenomenological observation ...Because we can use it, we think we know what it is...

Perhaps electricity as we know it, is all that we experience when the RELATION or the "force" that unite all things is not correctly perceived through it and with it? I think this was a Tesla view and he call it "ether" ... ( Dont remind me that Einstein theory put ether theory in the dustbin because i know it and anyway there is not one "ether" idea )

One thing is certain, the view that galaxies are spinning Newtonian-Einsteinian masses will be superseeded by the view of their fine structure organization and interrelations like an organ in an encompassing body, and not like an unstructured electron in an atom......

For sure i dont pretend to any science with my post....😊

I am a poet reading science not a scientist....


«History of science is science» -Goethe

Everything has already been discovered bro, It was easier to be Tesla than it is to be you...

Thunderbolts project....all videos are available on their YouTube channel.

All accompanying evidence is catalogued and cited....if you are this motivated to debunk their life’s work, at least have the decency to listen to what they have to say first.


BUUUUT, you will never do that, because you already know everything, and you especially know that they are completely wrong.

The constant repeating of the claim that you think is soooooo preposterous, that it does not even merit a simple cursory investigation, speaks more about you, than it does about them.


So peace out, I couldn’t care less about your education, or whatever other credentials you would like to throw in my face.



ADD: And this constant haranguing for me to do your thinking for you, would you like me to distill a 1000 hours of information into 3 paragraphs? Succinctly and legibly enough to sate your intellectual curiosity?

I posted a video that I find extremely interesting, it has over 2 million views, if you want to watch it...great. If not...get out of the way and let others enjoy it.


Mr. Armchair expert.




I will add that what we call science, when it is not confused with technological hubris, exist on one collective level of consciousness..

There is other levels of consciousness where what we call science today is children play...

The universe is not ONLY outside....I am not ONLY inside my body either....But if i do correct science these 2 hypothesis are necessary for the time being...But there is already a revolution in biology indicating the beginning of a change (Friston for example)...I truly think the next revolution is already here, but most dont see it hypnotised by the successful endeavor of the physical paradigm and his power....


Some very great scientists think otherwise:

Ramanujan, Grothendieck, Goethe, Swedenborg, Tesla Etc

It is very difficult looking at their works to call them deluded or stupid....

But anyway even if there is perhaps no physics of Ether now, we live in Einstein world, not Tesla world, but there exist a mathematics of Ether so to speak... Inter-universal geometry of Shinichi Mochizuki....But it is a "bit" difficult to understand than no one will dare to contradict me here...


I think we would have some interesting arguments over a beer @mahgister though I expect you are more a wine drinker, with perhaps a penchant for brandy. Have a good rest of your day.