The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts


This thread has denigrated into a flat earth discussion. Flat Earth followers claim that the earth is flat because it is "obvious" to their eyes, and their eyes do not deceive them (sound familiar). Then they go on to even do experiments all of which are done wrong, or interpreted wrong because they lack the fundamental knowledge to implement or understand the experiments they are trying to do. You would think that some radio transmissions are "line of sight" and no matter how tall the tower, that remains true assuming the Earth is round would give them pause, but when you mix dogma with lack of knowledge I guess it does not.

Blah blah blah. I am not talking about flat Earth...YOU ARE.

I am talking about planetary scarring that has been reproduced in controlled laboratory experiments.

So keep building those strawman arguments :)

Throw in some Qanon references while you are at it.


As a mater of fact, why don't you go bother someone else, go do something productive. Commenting on videos that you are not going to watch, and critiquing evidence that you are not going to see, is borderline demented. 



When you guys figure out what the misconception is better let the engineers and scientists who actually understand this stuff and make it work know.  I expect my electricity to be done right!

There actually is a real scientific theory called the Plasma Universe.  Although generally considered wrong, it was put forth by real scientist and was offered as an alternative to gravity based models of the observable universe.  It had explanations for the matter/anti-matter balance, geometric flatness and expansion of the universe.  Further study of the cosmic background radiation showed serious problems with the theory and the discovery of gravity waves, as predicted by general relativity, put the final nail in it so to speak.  A real theory by real scientist, but proven wrong by observable events.

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