@cindyment You have a habit to attacking people’s characters instead of their arguments.
Bad habit you have.
Actually I attacked the "distinction" placed upon them, whether using the description "Physicist" or "Preeminent" when there is no objective reason I could find (or that actual physicists and preeminent mathematicians believe). It appears those titles are purely self given. As the distinction is the crux of the argument, calling it into question is not "attacking character".
The mathematics of Standard Cosmology itself is extremely illogical and contradictory.. I posted Stephen Crother’s critiques of the standard mathematical model and he cuts right to the heart of the issue.
I don’t perceive you to be a mathematician or physicist @yuviarora , so I can only assume you are repeating someone else’s words without giving reference. Most advanced math looks like gobbly good to 99.9% of the people on the planet.
It’s not the 16th century anymore @yuviarora . And now, to my previous post, we have the beauty of math and massive amounts of data. If Crother’s "theories" were so great, then he would be able to present a unified theory that would not only predict the things that happened in the universe, but would predict them with greater accuracy than the current models. There is no need for a PhD, or university post to do this. The science media is desperate for anything interesting to post. This is exactly what Crothers has not done, and exactly what the the Physicists who he wrote the nastygram to said to him. He actually said exactly that, that Crothers had not shown in any fashion that he had created a model that more accurately predicted current observations. This was factual and Crothers had a hissy fit. The "normal" reaction would be to go back and refine your model, apply it to current astrophysics problems, and show, with proof, that your model is better, by both having more accuracy, and applicability to more cases. Again Crothers did not and has not done that. That is what separates those people initially thought crazy from the one that continue to be thought crazy. They prove they are not.