The Big Misconception About Electricity

This vid goes quite a ways down the road to explaining why:

1)  Power cords make a not so subtle difference.

2) Cable elevators should not be looked at askance.


Regards, barts


"Could this be magic....?"  I can say that sometimes my heart is all aglow....sometimes.  Other times my brain feels as if it's being blown apart.

«It is only love not intelligence who teach men how not to be or stay self-trapped»-Anonymus Smith

I am not sure if Schmidhuber will consider my observation relevant to the subject... 😊😁😊

Anyway it is mine....

The gist of my argument about Schmidhuber idea is that intelligence is always self-trapped, like a chess player trapped in chess game forever, especially the greatest intelligence, this trap in a way love could not subject itself to it....

One thing is sure i could not believe that A.I was possible at all before reading Schmidhuber... 😁😊 I know now that it is on his way....The sleepwalking transhumanists know that already because of their faith and before me....i will give them this point over me.... 😊


And the GROUNDING together of all living beings is about cooperation more than about survival of the lack something in Darwin... Which is already in Goethe and in Friston ...The way the part is inscribed in the whole and better the way the implicated part is the whole itself explicated ...To borrow David Bohm notions...

The most important concept for me in the "spirit of this time" is the concept of polarity and the morphogenesis linked to it... I assisted to a conference of René Thom, the father of "catastrophes theory" when i was only 24 years old and i was probably the only non mathematician in the hall...He was a great man and a Goethe and D’arcy Thompson admirer, the scottish genius in morphology studies...


AI is at the same time, fascinating and scary.

I think AI will be the greatest challenge humanity ever faces.